ias3 Internet archive S3-like API#

This document is intended for a user who is comfortable in the unix command line environment. It covers the technical details of using the archive’s S3 like server API.

The internet archive has a public facing API which allows for the storage and retrieval of item data stored in the archive.

  • Amazon s3 documentation used when creating the IA S3 api endpoint can be found here.

  • Information about archive items can be found here.

  • To get api keys for the archive’s S3-Like API go to the API key page

What the S3-like API does:#

Python Library#

The internet archive maintains a python library for accessing this api, see https://github.com/jjjake/internetarchive .

POST Support#

For using the POST support these documents are very useful:

How this is different from normal S3#

  • DELETE bucket is not allowed.

  • Only the HTTP 1.1 REST interface is supported.

  • Archive is much more likely to issue 307 Location redirects than Amazon is.
    • Which means clients with good 100-Continue support are very nice to have

    • curl versions curl-7.19 and newer have excellent 100-continue support

    • curl versions curl-7.58 and newer need to add --location-trusted flag if you are including an Authorization header

  • ACLs are fake. permissions are: World readable, Item uploader writable.

  • HTTP 1.1 Range headers are ignored (also copy range headers for multipart).

There are special features of the archive s3 connector to support activities with Internet Archive items. These are used by adding http headers to a request.

There is a combined upload and make item feature, set the header: x-archive-auto-make-bucket:1 when doing a PUT of a file.

An HTTP header can specify metadata that ends up in _meta.xml at make bucket time.
  • Add headers of form x-archive-meta-$meta_name:$meta_value (or x-amz-meta-$meta_name:$meta_value)

  • If you want multiple tags in _meta.xml you can put numbers in front: x-amz-meta01-$meta_name:$meta_value_a x-amz-meta02-$meta_name:$meta_value_b

  • Meta headers are sorted prior to tag generation when placed in the xml

  • Meta headers are interpreted as having utf-8 character encoding

  • Because rfc822 http headers disallow _ in names, in $meta_name two hyphens in a row (--) will be translated to an underscore(_).

  • Some http clients do not allow the full range of utf-8 bytes to appear in http headers. As a work around, one can encode a utf-8 meta header with uri encoding. To do this write all the header data like so: uri($payload_as_uri_encoded_utf8) For example, to set the title of an item to include the unicode snowman: x-archive-meta-title:uri(This%20is%20a%20snowman%20%E2%98%83)

  • to update metadata use the Item Metadata API API

Skip request signing#

There is an optional simple way to authorize a request; Authorization header can be of form Authorization: LOW $accesskey:$secret Be sure to use https when using the simple mode.

Skip derive process#

Normally a PUT (aka file upload) to IA will cause the derive process to be queued for that bucket/item. The derive process produces a number of secondary files from an upload to make an upload more usable on the web. For example, the derive process creates image data to make a PDF file viewable in the in browser bookviewer on the archive.org website. You can prevent this (heavyweight process) by specifying a header like so with each upload: x-archive-queue-derive:0

Delete derived files when an original is deleted#

DELETE normally deletes a single file, additionally all the derivatives and originals related to a file can be automatically deleted by specifying a header with the DELETE like so: x-archive-cascade-delete:1

Keep old versions of files#

Normally PUT and DELETE do not keep old versions of files around. To have the archive keep old versions of the object you can add the header: x-archive-keep-old-version:1 Saved versions will be placed in history/files/$key.~N~ (For multipart, the x-archive-keep-old-version header must be specified at the time the multipart upload is completed)

Hint the archive about the final size of an item#

For large items a size hint can be given to the IA content management system at make bucket time. Units are in bytes, for example: x-archive-size-hint:19327352832

Express queue#

For uploads which need to be available ASAP in the content management system, an interactive user’s upload for example, one can request interactive queue priority: x-archive-interactive-priority:1 Do not perform multiple transactions on items with mixed settings for x-archive-interactive-priority. Doing so can result in reordering of the application of requests to the item state.

Dealing with API errors#

To help developers test the error processing of software interacting with the S3-like API, there is an error simulation feature. To simulate errors s3 supports a special ‘error this request’ header. For example, to simulate a Slowdown error that the s3 api may generate you can set an http header like so (in addition to any other headers you may normally send in a request): x-archive-simulate-error:SlowDown

For example:

$ curl s3.us.archive.org -v -H x-archive-simulate-error:SlowDown

To see a list of errors s3 can simulate, you can do:

$ curl s3.us.archive.org -v -H x-archive-simulate-error:help

Use Limits#

Sometimes the task queue system which processes PUTs and DELETEs becomes overloaded, and the endpoint returns a 503 SlowDown error instead of processing an upload or delete. To check if an upload would fail because of overload you can call:

$ curl http://s3.us.archive.org/?check_limit=1&accesskey=$accesskey&bucket=$bucket
The result is a json object with 4 fields:
  • bucket, accesskey, over_limit, and detail

  • detail contains internal information about the current rate limiting scheme, it may change at any time.

  • The over_limit field will be either 0 to indicate that the queue is ready for more uploads or deletes, or 1, indicating that uploads or deletes are likely to get a 503 SlowDown error. The fields bucket and accesskey are the query arguments passed in.


These features combined allow single command document upload with curl. (Most users would probably use the internetarchive command line tool instead, these are examples for developers of new library code.)

Text item (a PDF will be OCR’d):

curl --location --header 'x-amz-auto-make-bucket:1' \
     --header 'x-archive-meta01-collection:opensource' \
     --header 'x-archive-meta-mediatype:texts' \
     --header 'x-archive-meta-sponsor:Andrew W. Mellon Foundation' \
     --header 'x-archive-meta-language:eng' \
     --header "authorization: LOW $accesskey:$secret" \
     --upload-file /home/samuel/public_html/intro-to-k.pdf \

Movie item (Will get video player on details page):

curl --location --header 'x-amz-auto-make-bucket:1' \
     --header 'x-archive-meta01-collection:opensource_movies' \
     --header 'x-archive-meta-mediatype:movies' \
     --header 'x-archive-meta-title:Ben plays piano.' \
     --header "authorization: LOW $accesskey:$secret" \
     --upload-file ben-2009-05-09.avi \

Upload a file to an existing item:

curl --location \
     --header "authorization: LOW $accesskey:$secret" \
     --upload-file /home/samuel/public_html/intro-to-k.pdf \

Fast GET downloads#

Although the s3 interface supports GET and HEAD, high performance downloads are achieved via the archive web infrastructure:

curl --location http://archive.org/download/sam-s3-test-08/demo-intro-to-k.pdf

note: curl versions curl-7.58 and newer need to add --location-trusted flag if you are including an Authorization header.

Bucket activity#

After an object had been PUT into a bucket, many things happen in the archive’s petabox content management system (called the catalog). You can see the catalog page for a bucket by looking at:



Mail info@archive.org, with the string s3help appearing somewhere in the subject line.